
MCYC's Goal 1.


Pray for Our

Easter Celebration


1.1 To set up Archdiocesan Youth Formation Center

Plan of Actions:

1.1.1 To Sign contract between the Archdiocese of Mandalay and Salesian Congregation for youth ministry;

Responsible Person: Archbishop, his Counselors, Spiritual Director and Coordinators and Salesian Congregation.

Expected Result: Within Six months, contract agreement with the Salesian Congregation must have been signed and Youth Coordinators must be already implementing the following action plans.

Partners: Authority concerned of the Archdiocese of Mandalay, Provincial of Salesian Congregation, Spiritual Director of Mandalay Archdiocese, Youth Coordinators, Youth from the Archdiocese of Mandalay.

Implementation: March 2006- March 2007

1.1.2. Providing facilities and equipments for the following activities.

Lead Group: Commission on Youth Ministry

Expected Result: Within one year, the Archdiocesan Formation Center would have been equipped with full facilities to function regularly for the much needed and urgent formation of youth, i.e., young adult, adolescents, and teen groups.

Implementation: March 2006- March 2007

Objective1.2 To strengthen religious belief of Youth and promote solidarity among them.

Plan of Action:

1.2.1 To conduct weekend religious instruction. It is to establish a program of spiritual formation oriented to the particular needs of youth that will be accessible to young people.

Responsible Person: Fr. Bo Bo and Fr. Alphone, Fr. Michael and Fr. Louis Soe Lwin.

Expected Result: Within one year, Basic Catechism for young Adults, adolescents and teens must be completed.

Implementation: June 2006-July 2010

1.2.2 To Conduct bible study and prayer groups;

Responsible Person: Fr. Louis Soe Lwin and Fr. Bo Bo .

Expected Result: Within one year, a Study on New Testament with its background must have been finished.

1.2.3 Marriage Instruction - Pre marriage and

- Christian Family Life (Parenting Programs);

Expected Result: Within six months, the working Committee headed by Dr. Leo must have been formed.

And within a year

- “Handbook on Preparation for Christian Marriage” and

- “Manual for Parenting and family life”

must have been already completed and printed.

Lead Group: Dr. Leo and Dr Khin Mg Pyone, Commission on Youth Ministry

Partners: Commissions on Family Life and Catechesis.

Implementation: May 2006- May 2007.

1.2.4 Monthly Youth Mass;

1.2.5 TRI Monthly Youth Recollection;

Lead Group: Archbishop, Members of Commission on Youth Ministry.

Expected Result: From the month of September, Youth Coordinators must have been in place and already conducting the Youth Masses and Recollections.

Implementation: May 2006 onward till 2010.

1.2.6 Monthly Outreach programs (Sheep Without a Shepherd);

Expected Results: Within one year, the Outreach group must have visited all the houses of Catholics from suburb areas and to keep in touch with them for their participation in parish activities. (to add and revise)

Lead Group: Youth Coordinator and youth

Partners: Parish Priests, Catechists, Parish elders

Implementation: May 2006 to 2010

1.2.7 Monthly Youth Ministry Courses;

The Youth Ministry Studies Program consists of twelve courses. Each course is 3-clock-hours in length. The Commission Members will offer courses regularly, ordinarily within a period of 2 years.

Course 1: What is Catholic Youth Ministry?

1. Describe the history, vision, goals, themes, and components of Catholic youth ministry as outlined in the Mandalay Archdiocesan pastoral plan and related church documents.

2. Identify theories, models, processes and methods of Catholic youth ministry.

3. Recognize ways to collaborate with the faith community in implementing the components of Catholic youth ministry.

Course 2: The Lay Ecclesial Youth Minister

1. Identify personal gifts and challenges through self-reflection.

2. Create ministerial goals integrated with Gospel values.

3. Describe one’s ministerial vocation as coming from God and confirmed by the ecclesial community.

4. Recognize Jesus as the model of ecclesial ministry, collaboration, and leadership.

5. Identify the steps needed to maintain a support system for his/her ministry.

6. Recognize responsible boundaries that balance ministry, community, family, and personal and pastoral relationships.

Course 3: Professional Practices of the Lay Ecclesial Youth Minister

1. Describe the leadership skills needed in youth ministry, including visioning, planning, communication, decision-making, delegation, and conflict management.

2. Identify best practices in the organization and administration of ministry programs. Understand how to conduct himself/herself in a manner consistent with the professional code of ethics and the provisions of civil and Church law.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of diocesan personnel, policies, programs, systems, and structures.

Course 4: Adolescent Development and Youth Culture

  1. Identify the stages of adolescent biological, cognitive, and spiritual development.

  2. Demonstrate an understanding of adolescent developmental needs within the contexts of youth and popular cultures.

  3. Understand and appreciate the gifts of the diverse cultures in which youth participate, and what these cultures bring to the faith community.

  4. Recognize the family perspective of youth ministry and greater understanding of the diversity of family structures in ministry.

Course 5: Adolescent Catechesis

  1. Identify the principles and processes of faith formation as outlined in the General Directory for Catechesis, and other national and universal Church documents.

  2. Utilize the other diocesan Religion Graded Course of Study in a comprehensive youth ministry.

  3. Recognize the need to provide developmentally appropriate content and processes around key themes of the Catholic faith that are responsive to the age-appropriate needs, interests, and concerns of adolescents.

  4. Describe various learning methods, programs, and activities through which adolescents can explore and learn important religious concepts of the Scriptures and Catholic faith.

  5. Identify ways to connect the life experience of adolescents, fostering a shared dialogue between the life of the adolescent—with its joys, struggles, questions, concerns, and hopes—and the wisdom of the Catholic faith.

Course 6: Creating Community

  1. Describe ways to create an environment characterized by gospel values that nurtures meaningful relationships among young people and between adolescents and adults.

  2. Identify friendship-making and friendship-maintaining skills that are grounded in Christian values.

  3. Identify the process of helping adolescents develop a healthy and Christian perspective of the joys, pains, and responsibility of relationships.

  4. Recognize the need for adolescents to be involved in the life, activities, and ministries of the parish in meaningful and age-appropriate ways.

Course 7: Evangelization and Youth Ministry

  1. Identify the principles and processes of evangelization as outlined in the General Directory for Catechesis, and other national and universal Church documents.

  2. Identify ways to proclaim Jesus Christ and the Good News so that young people will come to see in Jesus and his message a response to their hungers and a way to live.

  3. Describe ways to reach out to young people by meeting them in there various life situations.

  4. Recognize ways that young people can be evangelizers of other young people, their families, and the community.

Course 8: Pastoral Care of Adolescents

  1. Recognize ways to nurture growth toward wholeness, provide guidance in decision making and challenge obstacles to the positive development of young people.

  2. Identify ways to develop the life skills of adolescents, such as relationship building, assertiveness, and nonviolent conflict resolution, decision making, and planning.

  3. Describe ways to guide young people in making important life decisions, such as career and college choices, and discerning their particular Christian vocation.

  4. Explain the spiritual development of young people and the healthy integration of their sexuality and spirituality.

  5. Recognize the signs of need for professional help in an individual and offering resources/referral for assistance.

Course 9: Prayer and Worship with Teens

  1. Describe ways to promote the authentic participation of youth in liturgy.

  2. Explain the challenges of preparing youth for liturgy and preparing the liturgy well.

  3. Identify opportunities for creative prayer with adolescents in peer, family, and intergenerational settings.

  4. Explain the need to provide adolescents with effective and intentional catechesis for liturgy, worship, and sacraments.

  5. Recognize ways to advocate for youth involvement in liturgical ministries.

Course 10: Advocating for and with Youth

  1. Recognize the sanctity of human life as a gift from God and the need to build societal respect for those who most need protection and support—the unborn, the poor, the disadvantaged, the sick, and the elderly.

  2. Identify ways of standing with and speaking on behalf of young people and their families on public issues that affect their lives.

  3. Describe ways to empower young people by giving them a voice and calling them to responsibility and accountability around the issues that affect them and their future.

  4. Describe ways to help the voices and needs of young people be honored and heard in the Church.

Course 11: Leadership Development for Youth and Adult Leaders

  1. Identify ways to utilize adult and adolescent leaders in a variety of leadership roles necessary for comprehensive ministry.

  2. Describe leadership systems that invite, train, support, and nourish adult and adolescent leaders.

  3. Recognize the need to develop and nurture adult leaders with solid theological understandings, relational and ministry skills, and organizational ability appropriate to their particular role in ministry with adolescents.

  4. Describe ways to empower all young people for leadership and ministry with their peers.

Course 12: Promoting Justice and Service

  1. Describe ways to engage young people in discovering the call to justice and service in the Scriptures, in the life of Jesus, and in Catholic social teaching.

  2. Identify ways to involve adolescents, their families, and parish communities in actions of direct service to those in need and in efforts to address the causes of injustice and inequity.

  3. Recognize ways to develop the assets, skills, and faith of young people by promoting gospel values in their lifestyles and choices.

  4. Describe the need to nurture a lifelong commitment to service and justice involvement.

Expected Results: Within two years, the following course would have been given to the youth leaders from the parishes of the Archdiocese of Mandalay and youth leaders must be able to organize their own parish youth Associations.

Lead Group: Youth Coordinators, Spiritual Director and invited Resource Persons.

Partners: World Vision, NGOs

Implementation: May 2006-May 2007.

1.2.8 Annual Archdiocesan Youth Gathering in April during Water Festival;

Lead Group: Commission of Youth Ministry. Resource persons will be invited in consultation with Archbishop, Spiritual Director and the Clergy

Expected Results: After every gathering, youth would have been motivated and renewed. Mutual understanding and relationship with other peers must have been established and knowledge on self-development would have been enriched and put them into practice.

Implementation: April 2005 to April 2010.

1.2.9 To provide a centralized and supervised setting for recreational activities: a kind of Social Center like YMCA (Gym, Aikido, music classes etc…..)

Expected Results: Within six months, Youth would have been supported for their physical and social development. This Center would have guided them to use their time profitably instead of being influenced by peers’ pressure (substance abuse i.e., alcohol and narcotic drugs, sexual promiscuity, gambling), materialism and consumerism.

Lead Group: Commission on Youth Ministry

Partners: NGOs, Resource Persons,

Implementation: March 2007 to 2010.

1.2.11 To mobilize Young Christian Students both from Mandalay and elsewhere who are having classes in Mandalay for IYCS’s (International Young Christian Students) official membership and become beneficiaries for their development in terms of social, education and spiritual life.

Expected Results: -Within one year, YCS (Young Christian Students living in the Archdiocese of Mandalay) must have been one of the members of IYCS, participate in the activities on an international level and collaborate with MCYC (Mandalay Catholic Youth Commission).

-Members would have been participating in the activities of the Archdiocese at the best of their abilities.

- Vision, Mission and policy must have been established.

Lead Group: YCS, MCYC

Partners: IYCS, NCYC

Implementation: March 2007 - 2010.




(To animate people for active cooperation and solidarity.)

All-powerful God,

help us to proclaim

the power of

the Lord's resurrection.

May we who accept

this sign of the love

of Christ come

to share the eternal life

he reveals.

For he lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit

one God,

for ever and ever.


©2006 Mandalay Commission of Youth Ministry.