
MCYC's Goal 3.


Pray for Our

Easter Celebration



3.1. To create awareness on the causes of poverty. 3.1.1. To conduct awareness and community building (PEACE) programs;(Transformational Development)

Expected Results: Within two years, awareness seminar on the causes of poverty and peace building programs must have been given throughout the Archdiocese of Mandalay.

Lead group: Commission on Youth Ministry

Partners: Commissions on Socio-Economic, and Education, KMSS, World Vision and New Humanity.

Implementation: March 2007- 2010.

3.2. To promote Community based projects.

Plan of Actions:

3.2.1. To teach proposal writing and introduce with the NGOs.

Expected Results: Within one year, all the youth leaders must have been trained to write project proposal and well aware of the existence of the agencies which are helping the needy.

Lead group: Commission on Youth Ministry and Dr. Leo

Partners: Commission on Socio-Economic, KMSS, World Vision, New Humanity.

3.2.2. To teach office management and account practices.

Expected Results: Within one year, all the youth leaders must have been trained to manage their own offices and keep proper account in order to be transparent.

Lead Group: Commission on Youth Ministry and Sr. Cecilia San Yu Maw, SFX.

Partners: KMSS, NGOs.

Implementation: March 2007- 2010.

3.2.3. To form Monitoring and Evaluation Committee.

Expected Results: Within six months, Monitoring and Evaluation Committee must have been established with norms and functions.

Lead Group: Commission on Youth Ministry, Dr. Leo, U Myint Wai and Sr. Cecilia San Yu Maw, SFX.

Implementation: March 2007- 2010.

3.3. To Provide Employment Opportunities.

Plan of Actions:

3.3.1. To put up Young Catholic Workers Association; (Help find jobs)

Expected Results: Within three years, the majority of youth would have been able to stand on their own with descent jobs.

Lead Group: Commission on Youth Ministry, U Myint Wai

Partners: Archdiocese of Mandalay, Local business people,

Implementation: March 2007-2010.

3.4. To provide formal/informal education.

Plan of Action:

3.4.1. Vocational Training

(Computer, Language, tailoring, Printing Press, carpentry, etc)

Expected Results:

    • Within one year, basic and advanced computer courses with 50 computers must have been conducting at St. John Computer and Education Center.

    • Within one year, English and Italian courses must have been given regularly.

    • And the arrangement (proposal letter and accommodation) must have been made for volunteer resource persons to teach languages.

    • Within one year, a set of sewing machine must have been in the possession of Commission and already started for fund raising.

    • Within one year, a proposal for printing press must have been applied.

Lead group: Commissions on Youth, Education, and Laity

Partners: World Vision, New Humanity, Local resource persons.

All-powerful God,

help us to proclaim

the power of

the Lord's resurrection.

May we who accept

this sign of the love

of Christ come

to share the eternal life

he reveals.

For he lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit

one God,

for ever and ever.


Implementation: January, 2005 – 2010

©2006 Mandalay Commission of Youth Ministry.